Orangutan Facts

orangutan factsORANGUTAN FACTS | ORANGUTAN HABITAT | WORLD OF ORANGUTAN: Orangutan Habitat - Danger of Hunting

Orangutan Habitat - Danger of Hunting

Orangutan Habitat

Orangutan Habitat - Danger of Hunting

The hunting and use of orang-utans as a food source has certainly been a factor in the past and to an extent. The slow movement orangutan is an easy target for hunters. The traditional hunting practised by indigenous people was responsible for a number of local extinctions. Today, Sarawak, orang-utans are found mainly in areas where have iban a taboo against killing orangutan. From time to time orang-utans are killed or injured by plantation owners and farmers believe that the orang-utan to be pests. If a female orangutan is found with a baby, the mother could be killed and children are sold into the illegal trade in pets.

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